So I did not do any crafting this weekend, although I did make a trip to AC Moore for some adhesive! I am starting to get my supplies ready for the end of the year teacher gifts. I did, however, do some cooking (I do not "cook" everyday although my kids do eat every day :)). I love the website I mostly visit her for cookies and other desserts but I love all of her recipes (a couple of weeks ago I did the No-Bake Chewy bars in Oreo and Nutter Butter they were SUPER easy and yummy!). On Saturday I made her peanut butter and jelly monkey bread, it was super delicious! The kids loved it. Then on Sunday I made her mozzerella stuffed homemade meatballs. Those were super yummy also and pretty easy as well. So although I did not get to any paper crafting this weekend, I did get to cooking and the girls helped a little (which they love). The boys just helped eat the results, LOL. Here are a few pictures :)

Also, my 3 year old received her very first haircut from my wonderful sister-in-law (I was also getting one). Just a trim but it was such a cute experience and she was SO excited! Here are some pics of my cutie patootie.

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